My 10 Best Networking Tips

By: Lauren Marsicano

Insta: @networkingmaverick

My 10 Best Networking Tips

 Have you ever wanted a crash course in my best networking tips? Well, you’re in luck! Here’s a quick guide on how to network like the Queen, King, or Non-Binary Royalty you are:

1. Find and Attend Networking Events Every Week

 Check your local Chamber of Commerce and Business Networking International (BNI) chapter, or search the keywords “networking events” and “business events” on Meetup and Eventbrite. Many events are online, so you can network with people all around the globe without ever leaving your living room!

 2. Define Your Ideal Customer

 The prospective market is massive. It’s important to define who your true target customer is, so you can figure out how to structure your business to be as appealing as possible to your ideal customer. 

 3. Refer Businesses in Your Network

 Being a connector is a recipe for good karma. Recommending businesses and suppliers will strengthen your network, and will boost your reputation as a business owner. 

 4. Be Openly Appreciative

 Happy customers equal a happy business! Following up with clients and thanking them for their patronage is a great way to ensure customer satisfaction–– try a kind, concise email or handwritten note. 

 5. Stay in Touch with EVERYONE

 This can be daunting, especially if you have a large network, but reaching out to all your contacts periodically is crucial in maintaining strong relationships. Message your contacts regularly, ask them how they’re doing, ask if you can help them in any way, and, of course, keep them updated on your business too!

 6. Be Supportive on Social Media

 Being a good networking connection can be as easy as liking or sharing a business’s post on social media. By doing so, you’re introducing another business to your network and to tons of new clients–– it’s the simplest way to be an amazing networking connection. Endorse other businesses in the same way you hope they will for you, and you’ll be inviting good karma and good business into your life!

 7. Opt for In-Person When Possible

 Now that restrictions for COVID are lightening, the option for in-person meetings is becoming a reality again. When possible (and safe!), opt for an in-person meeting. Talking to your networking contact over coffee is infinitely more rewarding than talking to them over Zoom. 

8. Have a Good Deal

Getting customers can be tricky, especially if your business is new. Consider running a Groupon sale–– a good deal translates to positive reviews, which means more business! If you do decide to run a deal, make sure you advertise it well on your social media!

9. Introduce Yourself to Everyone

Make sure you’re leaving a positive impression on everyone you meet. Kindness won’t be forgotten, and you never know–– maybe the coffee runner you had a conversation with will become the next Bill Gates!

10. Focus on What Differentiates Your Business

What makes your business special? What separates you from your competition? Find what differentiates your business, and focus on marketing your business as excelling in those areas. If you can’t think of anything, try asking your customers and contacts about what makes your business special. 

I hope these tips have helped you figure out what is worthwhile to prioritize in your networking journey! For more in-depth information on how to network like a maverick, click here to read more networking tips. 

And, as always…

Happy Connecting!